The FutureCow Prep System® lets you prep teats for milking in one easy step. Our teat scrubber gently washes, disinfects, stimulates, and dries teats in one easy, consistent process. The best part is you can eliminate towels and all the associated expenses on your dairy!
No More Towels – FutureCow customers can eliminate the use of towels in their parlor. That means no more money spent on disposable towels or less wear and tear on your washers & dryers. Those savings add up!
Better Results – Our teat scrubber speeds up your prep process, throughput, and milk out times. The system makes parlors more consistent and efficient. Our customers report a drop in somatic cell count and new mastitis cases within the first 60 to 90 days.
Labor Savings – Some farms can also eliminate one person per shift providing a savings of up to $60,000 a year. Others can milk more cows per shift without adding additional labor.
Milkers Love It – With our teat scrubber your milkers will walk back and forth less often, and no more straining their hands drying teats with towels. Plus, training new employees to use Teatscrubber is easier when compared to a 4- or 5-part prep process.
FutureCow uses a chlorine dioxide solution to disinfect teats. Chlorine dioxide is a quick kill disinfectant that acts quickly to kill microorganisms on the teat while leaving the skin healthy. And Chlorine dioxide is a more cost-effective option than many other dips.