CID Lines Product

  • Acid product
  • For milking machines
  • Clean and disinfect in one routine
  • Free of phosphor, sulphates and nitrates

Product Description

Pho Cid Ultra is an acid product for milking machines to clean and disinfect in one routine. Free of phosphor, sulfates, nitrates.

Available Packages: 25kg

Technical Information


  • Rinse the equipment with cold to middle hot drinking water.
  • Let circulate a 0.5% (50ml per 10 liters) solution of Pho Cid Ultra.
  • Rinse with sufficient drinking water.

Disinfection (Bactericidal):

  • First clean the equipment with middle hot drinking water.
  • Disinfect with a dosage of 0.5% Pho Cid Ultra (50ml per 10 liters) during minimum 15 minutes at a temperature of 40°C.
  • Rinse with sufficient drinking water.