Bayley’s Milkstone Remover
Bayley’s Premium Product
High-performance phosphoric and sulphuric acid based milkstone remover for scale removal and prevention in milking equipment and bulk tanks
- Contains high levels of phosphoric acid
- Highly concentrated for ultimate scale removal
- Suitable for use on all types of milking equipment
Instructions for use (scale removal/prevention):
- Rinse milking equipment with cold water using at least 10 litres per unit
- Make a 2% solution at the rate of 2000ml to 100 litres of water at 80°c using at least 10 litres per unit
- Circulate solution for between 7 to 10 minutes or until the water temperature drops to 54°C
- Run to waste
- Rinse with clean, cold water using at least 10 litres per unit
- For scale prevention, use a 1% solution at the rate of 1000ml to 100 litres of water at 80°C using at least 10 litres per unit